Wednesday 27 June 2018

Resolution adopted in Central Govt.employees Convention

The National convention of representatives of Federations/Unions/Associations affiliated to the Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers’ held at Hyderabad on this day the 10th June, 2018 hereby unanimously resolves to adopt the following declaration and  carry out the programmes  of  action detailed in the Annexure to this resolution  to pursue the charter of demands incorporated in the declaration .

This convention firmly believes that the non-settlement of the demands of the Central Government employees by the present NDA Government at the centre is the product of their sheer unwillingness as they know that  conceding of the just and genuine demands of the employees will derail the neo-liberal policies,   the intensive continuance  of which the  Government is committed.

This convention is extremely concerned over the increasing unemployment, joblessness, impoverishment, agrarian crisis, rural distress, farmers suicide and the every widening inequalities in income and wealth under the new economic policies pursued by this Government.   The Government in the last four years in adherence to their policies  had been handing over the  Nation’s wealth, viz. Land, forest, mines, water bodies and public sector enterprises  including vital Defence establishments to foreign multi-national corporations.  Discarding the time tested foreign policies the Government had been embarking upon  becoming a junior partner of the US imperialism and supports every untenable action of the Trump Administration.   This convention condemns in the strongest terms,  the attempt on the part of the Government to bring in a labour code to take away all welfare measures provided to the working class and to facilitate and promote “ease of doing business” for the corporate entities.   This convention deplores and denounces the attack on minorities, dalits, adivasis and working people to terrorise them. 

The convention notes the dastardly methods employed by certain groups in the society with the tacit support of those in authority to drastically divide the society affecting the cohesive co-existence of different sections of the people.  They had been creating a fear psychosis amongst   the people.  The disruption of the secular social fabric is conceived to ensure that no united and strong force emerges and to create insurmountable difficulties in bringing about working class unity.    It has become clear, that the panacea for the ills that has now been inflicted upon the Indian society and polity is to effect a significant change in the governing policies. The convention has noted that forging a joint platform of all the working people with the intent of organising incessant struggles cannot, therefore, brook any delay. 

The Convention happily notes that the All  lndia State Government employees Federation have come to the same conclusion and are willing to be partners in the venture to oppose the economic policies of the present Government and are agreeable to synchronise their strike action with the decision of this convention.  The Convention taking into account the views of the All India State Government Employees Federation, decides to organise  a country wide strike on 15th November, 2018.

The  Convention directs the National Secretariat of the Confederation to be in touch with the leaders of the Central Trade Unions and other Industrial Federations to explore the possibilities of organising a strike action in the month of November, 2018 and authorise  them to make necessary changes in the date to ensure the widest possible trade union action. 

This convention realises the need and necessity of complete extermination of the present neo-liberal economic policies of the Government if workers are not to be reduced to permanent serfdom; and to ultimately bring about an egalitarian society. With this objective, the convention adopts the following declaration and appeal to all members of the organisations affiliated to the Confederation to carry out the programmes of action with courage and conviction so as to generate sanctions and consequent change in the approach and policies of the Government.

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