Wednesday 27 June 2018

Oppose the anti C.G employees policies.

    Attacks on workers and peasants as a whole and Central Government Officers and Employees in particular are mounting day by day.  Entire working class and peasantry are on struggle path.  The successful farmers struggle in Maharashtra and sixteen days indefinite strike of three lakhs Postal Gramin Dak Sevaks are the latest mass struggle.
                   None of the 7th CPC related demands of Central Government Employees are settled.  The increase in pay of 14.28% was the lowest and worst in the history of pay revision of Central Government employees.  The assurance given by the group of senior Cabinet Ministers of NDA Government in the wake of impending indefinite strike from 11th July 2016 regarding increase in minimum wage and fitment formula is in paper even after a lapse of 24 months.  Now the Finance Minister had replied in the Parliament that - “no change in minimum pay and fitment formula is at present under consideration of the Government”.
                   Employees who joined service on or after 01-01-2004 are retiring with a meagre pension of Rs.1000/- to Rs.2000/-per month only under the NPS scheme. In effect "New pension system'' has become "No pension system''.  As per RTI reply out of 32 lakhs Central Government employees, as on 30-04-2018, 17, 58,144 employees are covered under NPS. Uncertainty is looming large over their retirement life. Every month 10 % of their salary (including DA) is deducted under NPS, but as per PFRDA Act - "there shall not be any implicit or explicit assurance of benefit, except market based guarantee mechanism to be purchased by the subscriber.” 7th CPC after hearing various stake holders of NPS has given the following directive to the Government - "almost a  whole lot of Government employees appointed on or after 01-01-2004 are unhappy with the New Pension Scheme, Government should take a call to look into their complaint.''  Even though Government has appointed a committee for streamlining NPS, the committee was not mandated to examine and recommend ''scraping of NPS” or ''minimum guaranteed pension'' i.e., 50% of the last pay drawn.  Staff side has placed the above demands before the committee.  Report of the committee, submitted one year back, is not yet published.  In short the discontentment among the NPS employees is growing day by day and it may burst out at any time if the Government refuses to revert back to the old defined benefit pension system.
                   Six lakhs posts are lying vacant for the last many years and now Government has issued orders to abolish all posts lying vacant for more than five years. HRA arrears, MACP Bench mark, MACP promotional hierarchy and date of effect from 01-01-2006, option-I for pensioners - Govt is not ready to reconsider their stand. Three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks are compelled to go on indefinite strike for 16 days for getting their legitimate wage revision approved by the cabinet. Their demands for regularisation, Civil servant status are still pending.  Exploitation of casual and contract workers continue.  Equal pay for equal work is denied.
                   Large scale outsourcing and privatisation has become the order of the day. Foreign Direct Investment and privatisation of Railways and Defence and large scale outsourcing of the work done by Defence Civilian employees are in full swing. Government declared about 200 defence products manufactured by Defence employees as ''non-core'' items and gave orders to private multinational companies for their supply, rendering thousands of Defence employees jobless in Govt owned 41Ordnance factories. 14 EME workshops are going to be closed. GOCO model is going to be implemented in Army based workshops. At least 11 DRDO laboratories/establishments are proposed to be closed. 12 out of 17 Government of India presses are ordered to be closed. Same is the fate with other departmental printing presses including Railway printing presses. Majority of the Autonomous body employees and pensioners are yet to get their rightful 7th CPC revised pay and pension due to stringent conditions imposed by Finance Ministry.  Compassionate appointment has become a mirage.
                   Trade Union rights and facilities are curtailed and denied.  Orders banning dharna and demonstrations are issued. The draconian FR 56 (j) and Pension Rules 48 are misused as a short-cut to punish and victimise employees. Government sponsored Unions/Associations are given undue patronage.  Recognition and trade union facilities of fighting organisations are withdrawn and their leaders are transferred to far-off places.
Those who betrayed 32 lakhs Central Government employees and 33 lakhs pensioners have to pay the price for it.  16 days historic indefinite strike of Gramin Dak Sevaks is an eye-opener to all.  There is no short-cut for realising our justified demands from a totally negative and unwilling Government.

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