Saturday 11 March 2017


The present Technical Officers recruited before introduction of DRTC Scheme in 1995 should be upgraded by few steps to compensate their loss of promotion and years of valuable service rendered due to unnecessary and futile exercise of introduction and withdrawal of Rs.4800/- Grade Pay by DRDO and by not implementing the recommendations of V CPC in true spirit. This will resolve once for all the pending legal litigations.

(For demands, refer Page 3 of Letter No. AIDTOA/DGR&D/DRTC/09/15 dt 30.09.2015 submitted personally and discussed with DOP, all Federations/Associations, JCM-III members and some DRDO officials by representatives of All India DRDO Technical Officers Association (AIDTOA).Copies sent to Defence Minister, Secretary DD(R&D), CC R&D (HR), Chairman,CEPTAM, Director,HRD, Dirctor,CEPTAM, SA to RM, DG(ACE), DG(NS&M), CCR&D(RM& Imp), Director,CFEES and others.

             In the discussions held by AIDTOA representatives from several years, even though some of the DRDO officials have shown lip sympathy and agreed orally that injustice occurred to DRDO Tech. Officers, but DRDO Hqrs in writing rejected the proposal of upgradation.

            With the persuasion and lobbying by AIDTOA & DTOA, Defence Minister & SA to RM assured that they will get the matter reconsidered.

Accordingly now DRDO Hqrs has to prepare a proposal freshly on upgradations and put up the case to Raksha Mantri for his approval. Let’s hope that some positive outcome will be coming by the end of April.  

Persuasions and lobbying can help us to a limited extent. By unifying and organizing all the Tech. Officers and carrying out phased programme of action only can protect the interests of Tech. Officers.

In response to AIDTOA’s reiteration of proposal for merger of all the Associations of Tech. Officers, it is heartening to note the positive response from several quarters.

DRDO Technical Officers Association (complying with CCS(RSA)Rules,1993)(Not registered under Trade Union Act and not affiliated to any central Trade Union), coordinating with all C.G Group ‘B’ & Promotee Group ‘A’ Gazetted Officers  Associations, has expressed its willingness for merger paving a way for formation of a single independent recognized Tech. Officers Assn.

AIDTOA is continuing its persuasion and hopes that in near future some positive outcomes will be coming.

Let us all put our best efforts to unify DTOA, Pune (Registered under Trade Union Act) & DRTC Officers Assn.( Registered under Societies Act) and resolve all the differences paving way for merger of all Assns.

Ultimate unity of all Tech. Officers irrespective of political ideology, caste, religion, region, language, gender, educational qualifications etc. can only safeguard our rights. Let’s bury the differences, leave egoistic temperaments and strive for redressal of grievances. Let's unite and put collective effort for improving the future of all Tech. Officers.

Let all our efforts be towards unification of entire Technical Officers fraternity.

"If we all stand together, we are a force that can shake the whole world".

Together  .......... we can.

 SMS/WhatsApp to 09440668281

Pl. email your suggestions to     

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