Tuesday 13 November 2018

Review the policy decisions taken by the MoD / Army Hqrs which created alarming situations in the Defence establishments.

(1) The former Defence Minister Sri Manohar Parikkar set a target of Rs.20,000 Crores to be achieved by the Ordnance Factories during the financial year 2019-2020. Accordingly OFB  was travelling in that direction. During the year 2017-18 OFB achieved a target production worth Rs.17,250 Crores. However without any reason all of a sudden the target was reduced to Rs.6,500  Crores and subsequently to Rs.11,600 Crores. Even today the Army Hq has not released indent  for many items. Due to this there is a sudden wage reduction imposed on the employees of Ordnance Factories by reducing the piece work earnings and overtime. 

(2) In the name of "Non-Core" many strategic Defence equipment such as small arms, ammunition box, Vehicles (Trucks), Troop Comfort Items like strategic Army Logo Trouser and Jacket,Extreme Climate Clothing, Blankets, Tents, Parachutes, Boots. Jersey etc., were withdrawn from Ordnance Factories and the Army is reluctant to place indent for these items to the Ordnance  Factories and hence the future of 5 OEF Group of Factories, VFJ and the Small Arms group of Factories is in dark. This has created a situation not only disturbing the existing employees, but the future of the trained Trade Apprentices who are trained under the Skill Development mission is also in dark, since their employment opportunities in the Ordnace Factories have also become bleak.

 (3)The MoD has previously assured in writing that no Ordnance Factories would be closed, No worker would be displaced, efforts will be taken to provide the existing workload to the factories  &  training and redeployment would be done in the same factories. However till date no road map  has been  made to provide sufficient work load to these factories and also for identifying alternative  work load, training and redeployment in the same factory.

 (4) Orders have been issued by the Army Hqrs to disband all the station workshops under EME  thereby displacing the civilian employees resulting in disturbance in their family and social life.

(5) Steps are also taken to close down the 4 Depots under DGOS.

(6) Steps are also taken to handover the Army Base Workshops under DGEME to the private sector  in the name of GOCO Model.

(7) Recruitment action taken for filling up of more than 30,000 posts in various Army units has been kept in abeyance and 26,000 NACs are pending with AG's Branch. The AG's Branch is not issuing NACs  to the Army units to fill up the vacancies  on the plea  that 31,000 Defence Civilian employees declared surplus due to the above mentioned steps should be adjusted first, The more  than 30,000 unemployed youth selected for appointment is being denied the employment opportunity and they will become over aged thereby denying the employment opportunity for them including the youth from socially and economically downtrodden OBC, SC & ST communities.

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